
Construction Home Loans

The Construction Home Loans program is designed to provide you with the means to efficiently acquire land and initiate the construction of an investment property.

This loan is designed to enable you to swiftly complete your property project, ultimately offering you the flexibility to sell or refinance with speed and precision. It allows you to maximize your investment goals and returns by swiftly completing your property project, providing flexibility for selling or refinancing with precision.

With a cap of $1.5 million, a minimum FICO score of 680, and a focus on owner-occupied properties, our flexible criteria include Loan-to-Value (LTV) up to 80% and Debt-to-Income (DTI) up to 50%, making homeownership attainable for you.

Our requirements:

Full Documentation & 1099 income options, no housing history needed. Simply provide an unexpired Government Photo ID and ITIN Card or IRS Letter.


We offer owner-financed homes to community members
who don't have access to traditional bank financing

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